
Virtual Architect

  • Age: 26

  • Sin: Envy

  • Lost Thing: Fez (His hat)

  • Face Claim: Mena Massoud


Aladdin - 1992

Jafar, a ruthless sorcerer and the royal vizier of the Middle Eastern city of Agrabah seeks a lamp hidden within the Cave of Wonders. After finding the cave with the help of a lowly thief named Gazeem, he orders him to enter. Angered by the intrusion, the Cave devours Gazeem, telling Jafar that only one person is worthy to enter: "the diamond in the rough", whom Jafar along with his parrot attendant Iago later identifies as a young street urchin named Aladdin. Meanwhile, Princess Jasmine is upset by her obligation to marry a prince due to the law rather than for love. Concealing herself, she escapes the palace and is saved from an angry merchant by Aladdin and his pet monkey Abu. As a bond between Aladdin and Jasmine develops, the palace guards capture Aladdin on Jafar's orders, during which Jasmine reveals herself. She confronts Jafar to demand Aladdin's release, but he lies to her, saying Aladdin has been executed.Disguised as an elderly beggar, Jafar frees Aladdin and Abu and brings them to the cave, ordering them to retrieve the lamp. The guardian grants Aladdin entry but warns him to touch nothing but the lamp. Aladdin finds both the lamp and a magic carpet inside, but Abu greedily grabs a large jewel, triggering the cave's collapse. Aladdin gives the lamp to Jafar, who throws him and Abu into the collapsing cave, though not before Abu steals it back. Trapped, Aladdin rubs the lamp and meets the genie who lives inside it. The Genie grants Aladdin three wishes, though Aladdin tricks him into freeing them all from the cave without using a wish. Upon learning that the Genie desires to be released from servitude, Aladdin promises to use his last wish to free him. Aladdin uses his first wish to become a prince, intending to woo Jasmine.Jafar is suggested to Iago that he can become Sultan by marrying Jasmine. Aladdin, as "Prince Ali Ababwa", arrives in Agrabah with a large host, but Jasmine is angered when her father, the Sultan, discusses her marriage with only Aladdin and Jafar. As a means of apologizing, Aladdin takes Jasmine on a ride with the magic carpet. When she infers his true identity, he claims that he only dresses as a commoner to escape the stresses of royal life. After Aladdin brings Jasmine home, the palace guards capture him on Jafar's behest and throw him, bound and gagged, into the sea. The Genie appears and saves Aladdin at the cost of his second wish. Aladdin returns to the palace and exposes Jafar's plot, prompting the latter to flee, but not before he glimpses the lamp and determines Aladdin's true identity.Fearing that he will lose Jasmine if the truth is revealed, Aladdin breaks his promise and refuses to free the Genie. Iago steals the lamp, and Jafar becomes the Genie's new master. He uses his first two wishes to become both Sultan and the world's most powerful sorcerer. He then exposes Aladdin, exiling him, Abu, and the carpet to a frozen wasteland. The three escape and return to Agrabah, where Jasmine tries to help Aladdin steal the lamp back. Jafar notices and overpowers her, Abu, and the carpet with his magic before transforming into a colossal Cobra to devour Aladdin. Aladdin taunts Jafar for being less powerful than the Genie, tricking him into using his last wish to become an all-powerful genie himself. Now bound to his new lamp, Jafar ends up trapped inside it, taking Iago with him. The Genie then throws Jafar's lamp far into the desert, banishing Jafar and Iago to the Cave of Wonders for 10,000 years.With Agrabah returned to normal, the Genie encourages Aladdin to use his third wish to regain his royal title and legally marry Jasmine. Aladdin instead decides to keep his promise and frees the Genie. Realizing Aladdin's nobility, the Sultan changes the law to allow Jasmine to marry whoever she chooses. The Genie bids the group a fond farewell and leaves to explore the world, while Aladdin and Jasmine start their new life together.


Aladdin was born to Cassim and Zena, citizens of the kingdom of Agrabah. Due to their struggling background, Cassim left Agrabah shortly after Aladdin was born in hopes of finding a better way to provide for his family. Due to this, Aladdin never met or knew his father, believing he was dead, and was given a dagger as his only memento. A few years later, Aladdin's mother passed away, leaving him an orphan and forcing him to fend for himself. By the time Cassim returned, he couldn't find his family, believing them to be dead, resulting in him leaving Agrabah out of despair, where he'd eventually become a leader of the infamous Forty Thieves, though this would remain unknown to Aladdin for an extended number of years. Due to being orphaned so early, Aladdin never received a formal education, nor had a positive role model to guide him through life. With no form of income, he was forced to learn to survive on the streets of Agrabah. Lacking other means, he steals only to survive, but his good heart often moves him to donate his stolen goods to those who are as poor, if not poorer than him, making him a Robin Hood-like figure.When Aladdin was seven, he had his first encounter with Razoul, the new captain of the Sultan's guard, after stealing an apple from a fruit stand. Initially, the boy managed to outmaneuver the guards, but was eventually apprehended and sentenced to detention within the palace dungeon; however, he managed to escape by picking the locks to his chains. While in his mid-teen years, he stole a vest, a pair of pants, and a fez from a clothesline, which would form his signature outfit. At the age of ten, Aladdin was best friends with a fellow street rat and thief, Amal, but unlike Aladdin, he stole money and valuables for his own selfish greed, which Aladdin was strongly against. Aladdin was present when Amal disappeared, unaware that he was taken and became an El Khatib, serving one of his future adversaries, Mirage. When he was sixteen, Aladdin fell in with a group of circus performers and con artists: Aziz, Fatima, Minos, and their pet monkey, Abu. Aladdin and Abu would form a brotherly relationship throughout this endeavor, and would eventually leave the circus, but remain together as both partners and best friends.

Fatal Flaw


Because of growing up alone on the street, Aladdin learned the hard way that people will assume the worst of even a hungry child. There is always certain body language and looks that always reveal that he was being judged. That in turn left him judging people right back.Now as a club owner, he is quick to judge who comes into his establishment or who gets close to him. He may play it off that he doesn't judge someone, but deep down he's extremely criticizing someone just based on looks, manners, and speech.


Club owner

Aladdin runs Arabian Nights Club. The building was purchased by Hook who gave it to Aladdin to run an establishment of his choosing. Because of that trust instilled in him, Arabian Nights is a place where members of the gang can hang out or party without fear or retaliation. (Too much. There are still standards and reputations to uphold.)The club doesn't allow anyone under the age of eighteen in the building and if they are under the drinking age, they will be asked to wear a bracelet or else they won't be allowed onto the premises.Arabian Nights provides DJed music, a large open dance floor in the center, tables lining the back and side walls, and a large bar with a wide spread of alcohol. There are some rooms in the back and on the second balcony for business to be held in.


  • Killian Jones/Hook Adoptive big brother

  • ........................................

  • Flynn Rider Associate

  • Iridessa Associate

  • Jafar Associate

  • Jim Hawkins Associate

  • Locke Cole Associate

  • Luka Couffaine Associate

  • Roxas Associate

  • Sam Flynn Associate

  • Squall Leonheart Associate

  • Ursula/Vanessa Associate

  • Xion Associate


Aladdin had a rough childhood. While living in the rundown apartment, Aladdin sometimes would go without food or get scraps. His parents would forget they had a child due to them both being under the influence. When Aladdin was five, his father overdosed and passed away in the middle of a park. As a child, he never understood why his father never came home.At the age of seven, his mother had done the same thing, overdosed on pain medication. She had passed away in her sleep on the couch where Aladdin found her in the morning. As a kid who never experienced death before, he thought his mother was just cold and covered her up with more blankets. Throughout the day he kept trying to shake her to wake her up. He was confused as to why she wasn't moving or opening her eyes. After a few days, Aladdin ventured out into the world to get food. Since he opened the door, the smell permeated the halls which alerted the other neighbors. The police showed up while he was gone and ruled the death accidental with a controlled substance. They loaded his mother and left, leaving the apartment locked up.When Aladdin showed back up to his home, the door was locked and had yellow tape all around it. Without a way home, he left to look for a nice place to sleep. Living on the streets as a child was hard, and he watched as many people would kick him out of the stores, or restaurants. He'd sometimes be allowed to sleep somewhere for one night but not the next.Just before his eighth birthday, he was picked up by a nice woman in her late forties. She had feared for his safety and took him home to feed him. For the first time in his life, he was able to sleep on a mattress. This living arrangement made him happy for about a week before her husband came home from overseas only to see a child living at their house. It wasn't his child and so he treated him with hostility and used excessive force with him.For half a year, Aladdin had to live under a roof where the man hated him and hurt him while the woman did nothing to stop him regardless of the marks that were left on him. Finally, after one horrible fight, the man threw him out at dusk. Once more he lived on the street where he felt more free than he had ever in his life.He was skeptical of anyone who helped him. He'd run away from people who wanted to take him home or take him anywhere. When someone called the police he bolted. He wasn't about to go back to a home that could hurt him.Two months later Aladdin ran into Killian another kid on the street. He was sixteen and took him around causing trouble, looking out for Aladdin, and even helping him find food and shelter. For the first time, Aladdin felt "love." He eventually clung to Killian's side no matter what, he did what Killian told him to do. He was like his older brother and he'd do anything for him, he looked up to him a lot. If it hadn't been for Killian he wouldn't be alive. He followed him after the battle with Pan and was there to help take care of him when his hand was cut off. It was also he who was the first to turn on Freyr and the gang when Killian left to create his own.The loyalty that came from all those years was gifted with his own place. Even though he was giving full ownership, he still makes it a safe haven for the gang members and always takes a profit to Hook.